About Us

We’re on a Mission to Save Lives

The Skin Cancer Diagnosis Foundation saves and improves lives. We empower people to take a proactive approach for the early detection of skin cancer through a simple online diagnosis.

What We Do

The Skin Cancer Diagnosis Foundation has made tremendous strides in helping people understand the importance of skin cancer prevention and early detection. We couldn’t do it without the collaboration and dedication of many talented individuals and entities, including:

  • Our staff, who care deeply about our mission and work tirelessly to make a difference.
  • Our officers and directors, who help us uphold the highest standards.
  • Our corporate partners and sponsors, who make our projects and campaigns possible.
  • The millions of people who trusted us for early detection of skin cancer thanks to our online diagnosis program.

The first stop for skin cancer online detection

Nearly 2 million people come to SkinCancerDiagnosis.org annually to get an online diagnosis of their skin. We take our responsibility as the leader in skin cancer detection very seriously. We know that receiving a skin cancer diagnosis and navigating treatment options can be daunting. That’s why our Science & Education team works closely with our specialists team to break down confusing medical terminology so we can provide the public with helpful and digestible information.

We Wont Stop

The Skin Cancer Diagnosis Foundation was founded on the basic tenet that no one should die from this disease. Still,  50 people die to skin cancer every day, and we won’t stop until that number is zero. As recovery is extremely high when detected early, the best way to save lives is to get diagnosed as soon as possible.

We believe in teamwork

Our physician members, donors and corporate partners, along with members of the media, help us develop and distribute our programs to those who need them most. We’re incredibly grateful for our allies and their numerous contributions to our work.

Our Partners

We promised to take care… and delivered

Testimonials Slider Feature

  • I was so happy and relieved when I received my results online. I thought I had a melanoma but it turned out it was completly benign.
    Mary Rose Diagnosed with keratosis (benign)
  • I was diagnosed with a melanoma 2 months ago and I decided to reach directly a dermatologist to get surgery. I had a quick surgery and results of the biopsy showed that it was cancerous indeed. I will never thank you enough for the early detection I had using your services. Bless you.
    Lilian Jones Diagnosed with melanoma (malign)
  • I had a doubt since several days on a dark spot I had on my skin. The spot was changing in shape and I took a picture and send it to skincancerdiagnosis.org. I got my results pretty quicly and it appeared that I had a normal mole. Thank you.
    Lemon Trevor Diagnosed with Nevus (benign)